The power of words

Before the class, I had a small discussion with a friend of mine about music. It was really short and simple talk but I use than a word which made me think of some things. Like we all know students(and not only them but we see it best then) are lazy and do not really like to study. Maybe not every student but most of them. Anyway, we all had at least this one moment in our life that we had to do something but we didn't really want to do that. Like studying difficult things which we don't understand. Our excuse then is mostly like "Why do I have to know this if I will not need that in my life?" I use this excuse at least twice per day so I know how it works. But even some useless thing, ironically, can become useful. Yes, even that science bunk. When we know more we can make, like it was with my example, good and interesting talks. We can feel proud of ourselves that we know something new and now we can go learn something even more difficult. Every knowledge is important. And that is my conclusion of how powerful are simple words but in other sense than usual. We should try to learn new, difficult things just for our own good.


  1. Very interesting topic! I like the way you presented it, although there are some mistakes. Anyways, overall, nice work!:)


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