Chadō - “the way of tea”

The Japanese tea ceremony, Chanoyu, is a choreographic ritual unique to Japan that features preparing and serving green tea-Matcha. The ready infusion is served together with traditional Japanese sweets to balance with the bitter taste of the tea.
During this ceremony preparing tea means pouring all one's attention into the predefined movements. The whole event is not about drinking tea. It is about aesthetics, preparing a bowl of tea from one's heart. The host of the ceremony always performs every movement and gesture with a thought about guests. Even the placement of the tea utensils is considered from the guests' viewpoint, especially the main guests called the Shokyaku. Everything is done in a traditional clothing.
 A full-length ceremony takes about 4 hours and includes a meal and two servings of tea. In Zen philosophy, the tea ceremony is a spiritual process during the participants remove themselves from the mundane world, seeking harmony and inner peace.

Place of ceremony

Tea set



  1. So it is a bit like meditation. I've met someone who makes tea in this way every from powdered green matcha. She uses the utensils you show in the photo. Luckily for her, she doesn't dress in the traditional way for this.


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