The blind signs

When I started using more public transport I noticed something really interesting. It isn't maybe something revealing but this thing is that people pay no attention to signs. Like, maybe not everyone and not to every sign they go by but the majority of them just do it. Where's an example: I go to school by train every day. Once last track was replaced by another one from other train and doors in this track weren't work. There was a sign, at their eyes level, on them with information that doors doesn't work. Even though some people tried to open them. Another example is an everyday situation in the underground. When you go up or down there's always a sign on guardrail which tells you to go by the right side. We just ignore this kind of stuff. Some of us listen to this signs but another half, the bigger one just do what they want. And maybe it is just because they are in hurry but in my opinion, it would be better for them if they just started going on one side. It' just more comfortable.
I feel like our "blindness" is caused by us wanting to tune out from the world around us. We want to focus on ourselves and our convenience without noticing others and some parts of reality that we want to ignore.


  1. You've described two completely different situations. The first shows the power of routine - we don't notice changes in the environment we are used to so much. The other shows our self-centredness and lack of consideration for other people's needs.
    By 'track' you probably meant CARRIAGE?

  2. I do understand your point of view, as I also go through situations like these almost everyday. What I partly don't agree about, is that it is not only caused by our self-centredness, but also, that people nowadays are in a big hurry most of the time and they don't have enough time to think about every sign they will see.


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