Six types of Japanese Theater part 1

Kabuki actors

Kabuki is a type of Japanese dance-drama in which all roles are played by male actors. it historically created in pleasure districts and plays ran all night surrounded by food and drinks. Kabuki actors' names take the stage of their teacher, who is often their father or grandfather. they are first expected to live up to the height oh their teacher's career in terms of spirit, style, and skill.

Noh actors

Noh is a type of traditional dance-drama performed in masks. It is a unique art because all Noh plays are performed by only five schools. These schools have passed their traditions down for centuries. The masks are wooden and some of them have the ability to show different emotions by facing the audience from different angles.

Kyogen actors

Kyogen is a type of traditional comedy that features stock characters such a master and servant. It is heavy in slapstick and satire. Although actors are using an archaic version of the Japanese language. It is because of being easy to understand with exaggerated speech, facial expressions and movement.



  1. They all seem very far from what we are used to in Europe - theatre which represents real life. To us all Japanese theatre forms seem artificial and highly schematic, with no authentic emotions and characters..


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